I wasn't ready for the otter as we strolled down Mallaig harbour yesterday afternoon. I sensed a decent sunset in the offing, and hadn't taken my camera out of its case when I caught out of the corner of my eye what I took for a small seal. But it wasn't. It was my first encounter with the almost-tame otters that have been hanging out the quayside at Mallaig this year. Ruth had seen one before there, and recognised it at once. By the time I'd got the camera out it had stopped staring up at us, dived and swum away. When it re-surfaced, it was a bit too far away for my EF-S 17-85mm lens. So this was all I got...

Then it was onwards, chasing the setting sun...
Firstly in Mallaig, with the sun setting by Eigg

Then down the coast to Morar bay...

Then finally to Traigh, just north of Arisaig.
Best sunset we've seen here since our honeymoon in December 2000.

Winter is the season for West Highland sunsets. Not least because they happen in the afternoon when you're out and about and can just bump into them